What is the MasterMind Group?

By design the MasterMind group is a small and intimate session giving you access to our Advisory Board members, other experts, influencer’s and decision-makers. It’s a casual atmosphere but likely to be an inspiring jam session where you can ask questions and get answers to your toughest biz problems, find friends and allies, partners and people who’ve “got your back” when you need them…

Join the MasterMind group here:


  • MasterMind Group members are guaranteed a seat and automatically added to each of the monthly sessions that are limited to 25 people per session.
  • PRO + MasterMind members may reserve a seat in each of the monthly sessions that are limited to 25 people per on first-come, first served basis.
  • Cancellation Policy: Since these sessions will likely fill up fast, members who reserve a spot and have to cancel must do so  no later than 72 hours in advance. Failure to cancel in time may result in being permanently removed from the group.

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